Author: rilaros
Desplegar el stack ELK en Docker con SSL
En este artículo vamos a ver como desplegar el stack ELK en una maquina virtual con Ubuntu 22.04 y acceder a traves de una conexión SSL. Requisitos del equipo Docker Se usará docker compose para levantar todos los contenedores del stack incluyendo un cluster de elasticsearch con 3 nodos, en caso no tenerlo instalado puedes…
Como iniciarse en AWS
¿Has considerado sumergirte en el vasto universo de la computación en la nube de AWS?, en este artículo te comparto algunos detalles a tener en cuenta para iniciar.
Love is a Strong Word
Good news, everyone! There’s a report on TV with some very bad news! Then we’ll go with that data file! Daylight and everything. If rubbin’ frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey I don’t wanna be right. Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged. I am…
There is Always Light at The End of The Tunnel
Good news, everyone! There’s a report on TV with some very bad news! Then we’ll go with that data file! Daylight and everything. If rubbin’ frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey I don’t wanna be right. Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged. I am…
Get Your Bike Ready For The Summer
Good news, everyone! There’s a report on TV with some very bad news! Then we’ll go with that data file! Daylight and everything. If rubbin’ frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey I don’t wanna be right. Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged. I am…
Free Your Mind For A Better Life
Good news, everyone! There’s a report on TV with some very bad news! Then we’ll go with that data file! Daylight and everything. If rubbin’ frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey I don’t wanna be right. Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged. I am…
Nothing Like a Morning Coffee
Good news, everyone! There’s a report on TV with some very bad news! Then we’ll go with that data file! Daylight and everything. If rubbin’ frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey I don’t wanna be right. Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged. I am…